A Place To Grow

Welcome to St. Mary’s Website!

We are a school for pupils with a primary diagnosis of mild intellectual disability located in Rochestown, Co.Cork.

The most important thing that we would all like you to know about St Mary’s is that there is a strong sense of community within the school. We are nurturing and holistic in our approach, from the use of our life skills room to the sensory room and soft OT room for supporting students’ needs when they are dysregulated or need a break. As a school we celebrate all of the achievements of pupils and staff both inside and outside of school. We believe that working with the families of our students closely leads to the best outcomes for them

Our school motto is ‘A Place to Grow’. Not only do the students grow here, but we do too. Constantly, learning new things from our students and always striving to do our best to support the students to reach their potential.

We have experienced much growth as a school community in recent years with our newly renovated building, beautiful new facilities and the addition of 3 classes specifically for pupils with Autism and a mild to moderate intellectual disability.

We hope you enjoy browsing the website and get a sense of what a wonderful place St. Mary’s is.

If you have any queries you can find the school’s contact information here

Click here to view our School Calendar.

Check Out Our School Announcements!

Check Out Our School Announcements!

Click here to check out our school announcements page.

We may post notes, letters and updates here from time to time as part of our Green Schools initiative to reduce paper and do our bit for the environment.

Scan the QR codes to check out our school’s Instagram and Facebook pages:

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